Strangling the golden goose…But pay-up first sucker!

Why does Obamacare resemble medieval medical shock therapy, then some benevolent, compassionate, reasonable socialist health care?  Modern insurance companies have been birthed out of the ideas of socialism–where all must pay so few can benefit from it. Insurance is a calculated gamble or bet at best, where the house… like socialism always wins. So there is no surprise in hearing news like.. at least half of all hospitals nationwide now charge upfront ER fees, in an effort to combat the cost of supplying treatments to less serious medical emergencies? With the roll out of Obamacare, insurance purchased through government exchanges are supplying insurance policies that require higher deductibles in order to lower monthly costs to the clients. But people who buy these insurance policies are thinking we have health insurance now with nothing more to pay out-of-pocket. Surprise! The house by design always wins. You have insurance with high out-of-pocket expenses, a high-deductible plan whose requirements are in the advent they should need any medical attention, you’ll need to pay-up first sucker!

So hospitals hoping to head off the impending disaster of services rendered without payments, are now asking patients to pay out-of-pocket deductibles first, before any treatments. Looking at the state of Illinois, Cook county to be specific, the lowest insurance cost offered on the exchanges by monthly premium paid…has a $4000.00 annual deductible for individuals and a $8000.00 per family annual deductible. That’s 20 of the 22 plans offered that have that high of an annual deductible.

So if you have a medical procedure that would cost $3750.00, a signal person would have to pay out-of-pocket the total amount because insurance doesn’t kick into action until getting over the individual $4000.00 deductible limit.

Some are blaming the computer glitches on the heavy traffic, people trying to get insurance all at once; but it may just as well be the design of the programs themselves? Making people first, plug into the system their various info before even getting to the nuts and bolts of the monthly cost of the darn thing? So by design these exchanges, those government-run insurance exchanges are slowing down the flow of info both gathering it from individuals and then providing the cost of it– that information where healthy younger people will have the bulk of the cost of paying into the government plan. So if they need some future medical procedure that needs to be preformed—they will also have a sizeable financial nut to crack by paying higher deductibles first.

Once younger people realize this, there will be no surprise that most young people will exercise their rights to opted-out, rather paying the penalties for not having insurance because they more than likely will be paying for medical procedures in total because of the high deductibles anyway.

With high deductible insurance, individuals will need to save up the amount of money to cover the deductible out-of-pocket costs, or suffer the consequence of going bankrupt do to some future medical procedure not totally covered by insurance. Something that Obama promised wouldn’t happen under his plan—He said paraphrased–“You wouldn’t lose your doctor if you like the one you have… You shouldn’t have to go bankrupt because someone in your family got sick… Your insurance premiums would not cost you more; in fact it would save the average American $2500.00 per year in out-of-pocket expenses.” All of these assumptions, distortions and yes I personally believe them to be calculated lies, are just supporting the fraud that Obamacare really is. A ginormous fraud enshrined in law that will hurt more people financially than help people. In fact it may just as well cause people to avoid getting annual check-ups—that may lead to more sick people needing procedures that could have been avoidable, now being placed on the government’s social net expense account.

That giant sucking sound your hearing right about now, is the deflation of the American economy. Where people have to save more to cover high deductibles, spending more to pay for insurance they are being forced to buy because of the government Affordable Care Act; leaving so much less for people to spend in the economy. Because the American economy is 70% consumers buying crap, who are now forced into saving and spending their money on things not by their own choosing, It’s reasonable to say that Obamacare will lead the economy down that road to slow—to slowing growth at best, one could also say reasonably that Obamacare is strangling the golden goose and it’s up to conservatives to save this endangered species from extinction.

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